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Skilled Infection Control Education Professional with 5 Years' Experience

Ahmed Maklad, CBIC Pass Center Manager
ICMSc, CIC, CAD, CPHQ, APIC fellowship, Hospital Administraion diploma
CBIC Pass Center for the first time in The world Infection control in professional pathway. We are preparing highly qualified infection preventionist with full appropriate knowledge and Practical experience that help in passing CIC exam easily.
The courses that we provided are available for every one in medical related field. we Educate and Practice APIC textbook.
We support any one that want to progress new content, please contact us if you want to add new idea in infection control field.

Organized and Efficient

اشكر دكتور احمد لمجهوده المتواصل والمتفاني....حقا نجاحي بفضل حضرتك بعد الله..
Thanks for your effort with us and with me, I hope to meet you you again in another education program.
Really, I appreciate your motivation and your fully support.

I recommend this center for CIC exam.😀😀

١ تعليق

Mai Mohamed


Let’s Start Working Together!

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